Contract Management & Negotiation

At Silverwood Consultants we have significant experience and expertise in contract management and contract negotiation.  Our team includes includes practiced legal professionals, who have the expertise required navigate the intricacies that contacts contain.


  • We will perform a in depth and detailed review of the relative contract documentation and provide your with analysis as to its actual effects verses the parties intentions
  • We understand that the key to all effective contract management is the identification of and management of risks.
  • We know that by having a clear understanding of the bargaining positions of the parties and the desired outcomes of the client, is the key to successful contact negotiation.
  • We can provide you with strategic advise on how to negotiate contacts to your benefit.


Please contact us for a 1-to-1 consultation. 









"In our experience, clients often do not have a clear understanding of the impact certain terms and conditions will have on the contract in contract. We try to make clear that the key to successful contact management is to identify risks and deal with them appropriately. This ensures that the important issues in a contract/project are identified and discussed by the relevant parties, so that when a problem does arise, and it will, all parties can envisage a practical solution without recourse to the courts.”

Silverwood Consultants